It’s BOLO Time Again – Grab My Local Guide

Are you attending the BOLO Conference in Scottsdale next week? I went last year, had a great time, met a lot of interesting people, and learned a bunch about the business of online marketing. The conference is put on by my super-smart friends at Agencyside. If you’re going, and especially if you’re from out of town, download my BOLO Conference Guide.

It’s full of my tips on restaurants, spots for cocktails, the weather, navigating the airport, and choosing ground transportation. This is essential pre-conference reading, and be sure to keep it handy once you arrive in Scottsdale.

Download your copy of my BOLO Conference Guide, and leave me a comment to tell me how you used it, which of my recommendations you tried and how you rate them, and what I should add or subtract for next year’s guide.

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